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Saturday, October 25, 2003
12:35 AM
-:- Posted by Allen
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Gerald Klaas comments on mine and Fred Smart's discussion of numbers, particularly the Fibonacci Sequence. In particular, Gerald says, I was surprised that neither Fred nor Allen referred to the ratio as The Golden Ratio. Or, as it is also known, the Golden Proportion, the Golden Section, and as I originally encountered it, The Golden Mean. Golden or otherwise, I can't begin to describe my own amazement the first time I (wrote and) ran a little program designed to calculate F.numbers and then for each one before going on to the next, divide each pair both forward and back; and there, in the middle of my screen, these two sides of the ratio resolved toward a mirrored perfection, closer and closer to each other after the decimal as the number pairs grew in magnitude, until finally my screen ran out of room to display the minute variances tens of digits out. I may still have the Visual Basic (or was it Quick Basic) code for that little experience, lying around on a disk somewhere, maybe holding up the odd leg of a coffee table or something. I can't speak for Fred, but I didn't go that far with the discussion (it actually took place by email) because I didn't have all year that day to have the discussion that the subject deserves every time one thinks of it. Meaning, every time *I* think of it, in a flash within my mind I view a couple hundred universes of correlations and coincidences, and if I try to tell anyone about it, the world dissolves into Ylem (primordial superconscious foam), and I end up sitting there totally absorbed without words, much like an old friend used to do right after he'd shout out, "My God, I have to tell you this!!!", on LSD. You see, I secretly exist in a metaphysical stasis of AllThatIs, a zero-sum infinity in which all things happen at all times everywhere, wherein my hobby, if you will, is discerning the initial conditions and patterning considerations upon which particular semblances of order mainfest in sensitive dependence, the primary of which in this local universe appears to be described by the Fibonacci Sequence. So: had I gotten started, I would no doubt have said (written) something like what just got written, and I'm not so sure that anyone really wants to hear it. Anyway, the problem with that kind of thing is, the instant you start describing it, it's already gone and a new manifestation emerges to fascinate. Besides, the next thing you know, I'd be tempted to explain how F.Sequence resolves Fermat's Theorem ( xn + yn = zn ~n!>2 ). And I have NEVER heard anyone ask for that! Besides, I'm not a mathematician: who'd listen?!! Next question? Wednesday, October 22, 2003
10:16 PM
-:- Posted by Allen
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Dave Goodyear makes me proud to have come from Montana, and reminds me why I won't be living out my eternity in California. Sunday, October 19, 2003
12:37 PM
-:- Posted by Allen
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Doug Kenline, my blogging sponsor, is feeling despondent, thinking about quitting blogging. Seems life has happened to him while he was busy making other plans. Looks like the Fourth-decade Crisis to me. It happened to me. I had thought that I would have made a profound difference in the world by the time I was 40. I had thrown myself at the task like a hapless ball against the wall in a game of squash, continually having to take time out for the bitchy little demands of life (paying the rent, etc.), and suddenly I was 40 and the place was unrecognizably worse than when I had first noticed that it was bad! Thank you John Lennon for having already explained how that happens, so I'd know it when I saw it. Anyway, Doug, let me just say these two things. First, if you're feeling like your life so far, all those agonizingly endless years of frustration failure and disappointment, has been a waste, just think of it this way: you haven't seen the half of it yet! Second, if you quit now, you'll miss the fun part. Besides, I have plans for Doug Kenline Wireless Opensource Networking Systems Conglomerated. "Linux, opensource, unregulated spectrum. These are the things of individual liberty and freedom. "If we could figure out some way to get everybody to have these powerful Linux servers in their homes with plasma television/computer monitors. All connected by some sort of OC192 wireless backhual system that was completely unregulated by the FCC. "Every freedom fighter sitting in his own central office. Connected by self-healing wireless backhaull with so many alternate routes that nothing could ever shut down the network. "This is the company that I would like to start. Doug Kenline Wireless Opensource Networking systems." So stick around, Doug, I like your idea. And I'm still planning on cleaning up this joint. All I need is the help of a few thousand New-World-Order failures, misfits and losers. You'll do fine. Friday, October 17, 2003
5:24 PM
-:- Posted by Allen
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Doug Kenline has found the three embedded blogs at CarTaxRevolt. He likes the embedding idea, but comments that he can't link to articles within those blogs because they are in frames within the CarTaxRevolt page. You always could, Doug, but until now you had to take an extra step first. The blogs are stand-alone blogs just like yours and this one. And the actual address for each one is right at the top of it, as well as given in parentheses on the CarTaxRevolt Updates subMenu. All you had to do was highlight the name of the blog with your cursor, copy it, and then paste it into your browser's destination window; click Go! or hit Enter, and you're now directly on the blog in question, all features available. But now it's even easier.... I've added direct access links to the Updates menu and "Remove Frames" links in all three blogs, so all you have to do is click either link and the blog will be popped out all alone into a new browser window. Ask, and you shall receive.... Happy? Thursday, October 16, 2003
8:50 AM
-:- Posted by Allen
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It's amazing. People and companies spend millions to get to the top of the search engines. Hucksters and ad agencies play games with content and meta tags and all sorts of things, to get through to the top of the search engine sorting process. CarTaxRevolt and Car Tax Revolt are number one and two on Yahoo and Google for a search of either spelling. That's in contest with Tom McClintock and endless articles on the subject. That's in contest with car tax revolts in maybe 4 other states. That's awesome. And we're just getting our roll going. CarTaxRevolt. No Redress, No Taxes! Saturday, October 11, 2003
9:25 PM
-:- Posted by Allen
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Whoa! That's the wrong question! The correct question is: Where's the Problem? Answer: In the mindset of the people! Wednesday, October 08, 2003
10:28 AM
-:- Posted by Allen
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Looks like the 'Arnold and the Neo-cons Show' have won the California Contest. Meet the new boss; same as the old boss. Prove me wrong. Thursday, October 02, 2003
11:04 PM
-:- Posted by Allen
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I'm posting an update on the CarTaxRevolt website; click Updates, then choose the Info blog. Basically, we got ignored. No press shoed up, the Assemblyman who'd promised to come didn't, and Greg is really busy with his new job.
10:59 PM
-:- Posted by Allen
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I just caught the evening replay of Niel Cavuto's show on Faux News. He had Bob Schulz on and actually did a fine and friendly job. Bob presented the issue and himself nicely. It was interesting that when Bob referred to Simkanin, Cavuto slipped away from it. He obviously wanted to focus on Bob's future vis-a-vis the IRS and potential prosecution. Not to color my comments on a bad ending note, because it was a very good segment, but next time, let's get the website mentioned. And integrate the name of the organization into the responses. People need to know where to go to find us. One organization name mention at the opening of the segment isn't enough. Anyway, Kudos, Bob!
10:44 AM
-:- Posted by Allen
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20-some years ago a federal fugitive stopped by the house on his eventual way to prison. He wanted counsel. I'm a minister (alternative sect), and he knew he could trust me. He talked, I asked questions designed to help him sort out all his thoughts in the relevant matters - liberty, patriotism, his family, the greater good... daily annoyances like these. He arrived clearly at two firm points. First, he was doing what he was doing for all the right reasons and he was not afraid to go to prison for what he was doing. But second, he was terrified of going to prison. Why the conflict? He was convinced that while he was in prison he would be physically or chemically lobotomized and that would be the end of him as a patriot and as the man he and we all knew. So he decided to remain on the run. The feds did catch up with him, though, and he did time. He came by the house again afterward, to thank me for my willingness to help him, for my lack of fear of being identified. He apologized for having put me and my house at risk by being there. I reminded him that as a supplicant and confessant, he should never concern himself with such things. Besides, I also reminded him, the feds damn well already know who I am, I made Nixon's List before I could vote. (And then voted for Nixon!) But that's not the point. He was not the man we all knew. He had not had surgery in prison, had never been hurt and knowingly drugged. But his fire was out. He was no longer concerned about the state of the country, and he was particularly disinterested in whether "they" had 'gotten to him'. Rose Lear tells us that her husband seems to have changed his tune. He's telling her that the Feds control us all and we have to do what they want. Dick Simkanin, formerly a firebrand in his own way, reportedly has plea bargained to the point of agreeing to lie about what he was thinking before. What's going on? Early after Simkanin's arrest, I got an email on one list or another talking about the arrest and lack of bail, etc. Normal-looking email, except for the casual notation that Simkanin was apparently being held in a medical facility. Huh! A tax non-conformist held in a medical facility? Why did that take me back more than 20 years to a conversation about chemical lobotomies? But let's not jump to conclusions. Chemical lobotomies might not be anything to do with anything. And I'm certain we could all inspect Simkanin's skin in as much detail as I did our old friend's and find no scars. Several years ago, while I was a member and sometimes-speaker at an advanced research club that was investigating connections between physical science and the mind, I avoided a meeting. So did another metaphysical practitioner whom I respect. When I found her standing outside the meeting room, and asked why, she told me that no way was she going to sit in that contraption and allow herself to be manipulated without knowing the program in advance and without having options. Yup. Same reasons I had. So we stood outside and watched the crowd move spontaneously among several emotional and energetic states while listening to a speaker drone on emptily about electronics and wave-forms and brain scans. Nothing in that talk to get anyone excited, but at one point the crowd was almost unanimously cheering and aplauding every statement as though it were an announcement of ultimate spiritual liberation. And the next moment they would all be contemplative, then sad, then fidgety, whatever. But nothing in the talk to elicit any of these as reactions. How was this happening, then? Before the meeting, a couple of technicians "wired" the room. They placed a series of electronic wave-form generators around and cross-hatching the room. People came in and carefully stepped over the connecting wires and took their seats, marvelling at the devices and speculating. Now, a lot of the members of this group are true explorers. They seek out altered states as hoped-for means to knowledge of the world, the self, existence, stuff. But in my opinion they were not good scientists. They'd try things for the personal experience without checking safeguards. All they needed was to be told that they would not be damaged but only temporarily manipulated emotionally, and that the effects would pass immediately in most cases. Nobody asked about the other not-most cases. They all volunteered, and the demonstration was on. What's the point? Surgery and chemical mental-function suppression are completely unnecessary. I have personally seen people manipulated without being touched, electronically. Think about that. What if the gadgets could be set to do nothing more than subsume the individual into a penitent mindset? And what if prolonged exposure to the influence could entrain his own electromagnetics so that he'd stay in that framework for a long time? Might he not come, seemingly of his own accord, to the conclusion that he'd been wrong, and that the problem was him and not the formerly-identified evil-doers? A man goes to prison for 16 or so months and comes out erased, his face speaking for another personality? A man spends his entire life demanding integrity from the world, goes to jail a few months and starts telling his wife to do what "they" want? A man goes to jail for a few months and then signs a perjorious statement as part of a plea bargain? Maybe this all makes sense after all.
ASC Missions Group, ntc.
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