the belligerent claimant in person
Allen Hacker
animated in the cause of freedom

Thursday, October 02, 2003


Schulz on Cavuto

I just caught the evening replay of Niel Cavuto's show on Faux News. He had Bob Schulz on and actually did a fine and friendly job.

Bob presented the issue and himself nicely. It was interesting that when Bob referred to Simkanin, Cavuto slipped away from it. He obviously wanted to focus on Bob's future vis-a-vis the IRS and potential prosecution.

Not to color my comments on a bad ending note, because it was a very good segment, but next time, let's get the website mentioned. And integrate the name of the organization into the responses. People need to know where to go to find us. One organization name mention at the opening of the segment isn't enough.

Anyway, Kudos, Bob!


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Truth via Paris

the belligerent claimant in person
Allen Hacker
animated in the cause of freedom