the belligerent claimant in person
Allen Hacker
animated in the cause of freedom

Thursday, October 16, 2003


We Got Rank

It's amazing. People and companies spend millions to get to the top of the search engines. Hucksters and ad agencies play games with content and meta tags and all sorts of things, to get through to the top of the search engine sorting process.

CarTaxRevolt and Car Tax Revolt are number one and two on Yahoo and Google for a search of either spelling.

That's in contest with Tom McClintock and endless articles on the subject. That's in contest with car tax revolts in maybe 4 other states.

That's awesome.

And we're just getting our roll going.

CarTaxRevolt. No Redress, No Taxes!


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   This website (blog) is an official News Outlet of the State of Æscir, by and through its agent and representative, ASC Missions Group, ntc, Speaker Allen Hacker, Trustee.
   Any attempt to censor or prosecute anything published herein will be met affirmatively with the fullest force of the law, without mercy or reservation and with absolute prejudice.

   Refer to
   US v Johnson
   76 F. Supp 538
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   However, anything published here is free for use so long as it is not altered or quoted out of context, and proper attribution is given.

Truth or Fiction?
Truth via Paris

the belligerent claimant in person
Allen Hacker
animated in the cause of freedom