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Saturday, December 06, 2003
D.K Flies off the Handle
My Buddy Doug Kenline wants to screw me. Guess he didn't really want what he asked for. (See my previous, immediately below.) Again. Doug explicitly said he wanted a plan that required no work: I need help building a business. Step one is I need a plan. Step two is there can't be any work involved. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Now, I figured he was joking in Part 2, but one good chuckle deserves/invites another, so I offered up a plan that met that requirement. One that millions of people (mis)use every year, with predictable results so statistically proven that they are guaranteeable. Thing is, it didn't also satisfy Doug's implied condition (Step 0?) that "building a business" required that he like the plan. Obviously he didn't like it, and has since said so. The part that tweaks me is that either Doug can make a joke but he can't take one, or that he wasn't joking and didn't want to hear about reality. Either way he took it personally and got disappointingly nasty. Beyond the 'scew Allen' type of comment, he boasts that he can outwork me any day. As if he knows me well enough to spit that particular piece of vomit. I can build a house from the ground up with my bare hands. All Doug can do is put in the network toys. I can do that too, along with all the other low- and high-tech utilities. The only way he'll ever outwork me is with his jaw. Doug accuses me of being old and rich. That's a laugh. As if my age were relevant, he'd oughta be lookin' at when it's his turn to be 55 and listen to the next self-righteous whippersnapper lip off about yet another irrelevancy. He's sour on MLM, so he uses his failure there to denigrate one of my previous suggestions. He apparently is so blind to my ritzy neighborhood that he doesn't know that the daughter of my across-the-street neighbor has made her million in MLM and coached into existence a few additional millionaires in the process. But he knows MLM doesn't work and is beneath him. 'Cause maybe the only reason Doug is an alleged patriot is he's in trouble with the IRS. Other than that, he appears to be fine with government propaganda about "pyramid schemes" and whatever. And he says this: And don't ask me to go trying to recruit people into some "paytriot" scheme make money selling people their civil rights back to them Huh. Wasn't too long ago I said right here in this blog that one of the divide-and-conquer suicidal aspects of the so-called patriot movement is that if anybody proposes a way to pull it off that involves people actually supporting the guys who do the work, accusations will fly about 'patriots for profit'. Thank you Doug for proving me right. It's interesting, I think, that on the one hand, it's okay to contribute starvation-level pennies to people like Rose Lear now that she's destitute, while on the other hand viciously ridiculing any proposal that might have provided her pre-disaster support as well as empower the work she was doing before becomng totally broke and alone. Shame on you Doug for working for the enemy. Well, okay, Doug, you are fine with getting emotional and mean and unduly belligerent in public, let's see if you can take it. I'll leave the part about how you're an unmitigated hypocrite to David Goodyear, since you included him in your diatribe as well, and also because he's tried to point that character flaw out to you before. I'll just put it to you this way. You have a Trans AM and at least one other car. I sold my car several months ago to pay the rent for a month during which I spent too much time doing WTP / patriot stuff instead of working. Now I don't have a car. Never mentioned it here, though; meanwhile, you've been crying like a baby about maybe losing your fancy car. I passed up a really big job running a complete network-support unit in Hawaii for two years so I could stay here and provide web services for WTP, only to have Bob breach the contract because his financial strings-puller refused to fund the start-up costs after telling Bob he would support him all the way in whatever Bob thought was the right thing to do. So Last year I went into defacto bankruptcy and have not yet recovered, partly because as a libertarian of principle I refuse to file bankruptcy and cheat people. Meanwhile, you keep your job and do not much more with the rest of your time, really, than yak through your blog all day long about next to nothing most of the time. That's enough pissing contest. Here's the bottom line. Doug, you are a self-centered greedy crybaby who has no respect for anybody. You are a negative contributor to the movement overall, what with all your public fear-mongering that works neatly for the IRS and not to any constructive end. You turned me on to the blog. For that I am grateful. But you don't get to pile a load of ongoing crap on top of that one laurel. You've consumed your share of my respect, so that now I have none left for you. Enjoy your braggart's job, your shallow temporary toys, and your childish fantasies of being important in the world. 'Cause right now, they are all you've got. No marriage, no kids, no posterity, and a shrinking circle of friends. A dead-end event horizon. That's some claim to fame you've got there, kiddo. Time to start thinking about what's wrong at home instead of throwing stones across the street. Before it's too late. -0- Comments:Post a Comment
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