the belligerent claimant in person
Allen Hacker
animated in the cause of freedom

Tuesday, November 18, 2003



Jim Paulson suffered an insight yesterday.

Of course, I would be among those who gave him the unhappy feedback he mentions. WTP is losing my confidence. I don't think they have the final answers (Where's the rest of the Operation Stop Withholding paperwork?!!!), and my own experience of what happens to coordinators who get too gung-ho teaches me that they don't want original thinking, just "Hurry-up and Wait, do what we say."

That's why I started, to provide a parallel path to fill in the discrepancies that come from WTP refusing to act politically. More recently, I've begun to worry that when the caravan gets to the Desired Land, WTP will have disappeared along the way, in substance if not altogether.

But I could be wrong. I have actually been wrong in the past. No, no, it's true.

Maybe Jim's idea that focusing on Simkanin and ensuring a win there will accomplish everything WTP is after regarding the income tax. It makes sense to me.

The question is whether or not the coordinators can convince that dog to wag its own tail.

It's your idea, Jim, it will have to be you who makes it happen. Let me give you some advice: don't ask permission, just do it. And don't hand it off to anyone if you want to see it get done.

Show me that you've got a prayer of success, and I'll help.

Go, Jim, Go!


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Truth or Fiction?
Truth via Paris

the belligerent claimant in person
Allen Hacker
animated in the cause of freedom