the belligerent claimant in person
Allen Hacker
animated in the cause of freedom

Tuesday, November 11, 2003


Dan Meador: R.I.P.

I have confirmed this.
I knew Dan had been sick. This is one of the worst losses we could suffer.

From Larken Rose:

Dear Subscriber,

It is a rare person who can stand up for what is right, daring to put himself in harm's way, and do so with cheer, good humor, patience and kindness. Dan Meador is such a person, which is why I am sorry to report that Dan passed away early this morning.
I never had the pleasure of meeting Dan in person, and for the most part he fought on a different battlefield than I did (though against a common enemy). But from the contact we did have, it quickly became clear to me that Dan was a "breed apart"; knowledgeable yet humble, with firm principles yet so easy to get along with.

He will be missed, for his research, his passion for the truth, his hunger for justice, but also just for being a good guy.

If you wish to send your condolences, support, etc., here is the place to do it:

Gail Meador
P.O. Box 547
Marland, OK 74644

Dan certainly did his "fair share" of working to make this country a better place. If everyone did just a tenth of what Dan did, this world would be a great place to live in.

Larken Rose



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Truth via Paris

the belligerent claimant in person
Allen Hacker
animated in the cause of freedom