the belligerent claimant in person
Allen Hacker
animated in the cause of freedom

Sunday, July 06, 2003



Berating and belittling didn't work. Manipulation won't work. Nothing will "work". I will do what I will do.

Ich wolle macht.

My friend is looking a little too much like an enemy just now to continue the conversation. Being trouble, making trouble, not really helping.

Too bad.

I was starting to have high hopes for this blog thingie, too.

Well, I can always just make a filthy amount of money and spend it buying unemployed patriots' time, fulfilling their paycheck mentality, "saving" them from desperation and telling them how to fight this one through.

Nah. Probably have to fire a lot of them who think they already know how, what with all the successes they've had, and all. Might serve a purpose, though: give 'em one more thing to bitch about while they're fiding the next cliff to jump off without a parachute.

Certainly can't get much cooperation from people who are so wrapped up in their self-made troubles that they won't remember who their friends are.

Reminds me of an injured cat I found one night. Hit by a car, back broken, terrible situation, yowling in pain, fear and desperation. But no one could help the cat. It wouldn't let anyone close enough to get it into a box to ride to the vet. Finally a neighbor came out with a shotgun and settled the issue.


Do I sound frustrated, or is it just me?


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Truth or Fiction?
Truth via Paris

the belligerent claimant in person
Allen Hacker
animated in the cause of freedom