the belligerent claimant in person
Allen Hacker
animated in the cause of freedom

Tuesday, June 24, 2003


Why We Lose, Part One

THis one is truly for the people. The leaders and their unknowing parrots won't like it a bit!

An email-pal (electronic pen-pal) asks, as do so many of us,

Wonder how the German people were made to accept the "final solution"? What "methods" were used to establish their approval to
the actions their government was taking? Do we see any of that in the USA today? Ask the Dixie Chicks.

For those of you who missed it, the Dixie Chicks, a primarily Country band, criticized Rex Bush and his warmongering. Now they're suffering the same fate as Sinead O'Connor did when she criticized the Pope, and as the Beatles did when John Lennon observed that they were more well-known world-wide than Jesus.

Point to be made: It doesn't matter in such cases that what you say might be true.

"Things" are set up in this world to destroy anyone who steps out of line. And there's no police needed to do it to the average person because his family, friends and neighbors will do it automatically. It's in the nature of their culture.

Some eight months ago I mentioned to a neighbor that I had connected up with the WTP Congress (We The People, Bob Schulz). When I mentioned that they had a petition in to the government to clarify and maybe terminate local federal income taxes, he had a physical reaction and told me quite firmly that I was crazy and going to get myself killed. (Funny, I remember hearing the same thing almost 40 years ago from my high-school friends when I told them that I was going to undo the evil aspects of the establishment.)

Of course, that's not the worst of it as regards my neighbor. The reason I had mentioned WTP to him was that I knew him to be a 'conservative'. The actual reason I went to see him in the first place was that I was considering running for City Council and I was gathering nomination signatures. But of course he couldn't sign my petition because he's not a registered voter!

But I still haven't gotten to the worst part. The worst part is not that he isn't a member of the body politic. It isn't even that he functions within The Machine as an unconscious extension-terrorist. Those are just symptoms.

The worst part is the cause. Brace yourself.

My neighbor is a religious man. Not a fanatic, never talks about it. He and his wife go to church each Sunday, took their kids along all the while they were growing up, same as their own parents did with them.

My neighbor believes. One of the things he believes is that salvation awaits him and the world through his chosen Intercessor. Part and parcel of that belief is that no man gets saved except through intercession. Trouble is, in his religion, that process includes a prophesied period of great tribulation first. He expects that those who are alive during that time will either be lifted up and insulated, or suffer dearly through it. He hopes to be (a) already gone before it happens, or (b) lifted up. But if neither, he is resigned to the potential suffering. He has faith that, either way, it all leads to heaven.

My neighbor cannot conceive the world's cleansing happening any other way.

To do so, he would have to repudiate his religion.

And that's the problem, isn't it? Sure, he'll remind himself that his Intercessor helps those who help themselves, but he doesn't really believe that when it comes to the Final Destination. Do all the political and patriotic stuff you feel you must do, but in the end, it doesn't matter, that's just worldly distraction. It's been prophesied, can't be avoided. The disaster must happen. Will happen, so help him God.

Meanwhile, in a society structured along religious lines, so long as there remains any surviving manifestation of the beliefs that founded it, no matter how bad it gets, the faithful will automatically defend that structure. Until they give up hope, they will demand allegiance to the structure without regard to the sordid details. They will attack the critics of the details as though those critics are attacking the structure itself. And in doing so they defend the corruption along with the corrupted.

"Bush is better than Gore, so one must not criticize Bush lest one imply Gore would have been better." That's stupid pseudo-thought, it's completely devoid of logic, and it leads right back into the thing I mentioned the other day, that I will be talking about in Part Two as to what's wrong in the movement.

But for now, I've caused enough trouble, pointing out that it is people's religions that move them first, last and, unfortunately, the most detructively.

As in:
The reason the German people accepted the 'Final Solution' is that they were set up for it by their apocalyptic religion and persuaded by their preachtitioners to "let it be".
Nothing has changed. Despite the best efforts of the Founders, America has always been ruled by that same mindset.

That's the worst part.


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the belligerent claimant in person
Allen Hacker
animated in the cause of freedom