the belligerent claimant in person
Allen Hacker
animated in the cause of freedom

Saturday, June 07, 2003


Blogging for the People

Some of my friends (you know who you are) have been asking me to comment on issues regularly. I appreciate the compliment.

But one or two have become a little too enthusiastic in that request, inadvertently (I'm Certain) degrading it into a demand, complete with specifics on detail. manner and frequency, that that is absolutely unacceptable. It smacks too much of (a) I am someone's property, to be defined and deployed at their will and not my own, and (b) "...from each according to ability...."

I like blogging, actually. And I plan to do more. I like the suggestion of one friend that I shoot for a topic a week. And I invite topical suggestions via email. It's more fun for me if I can imagine an interested person who might benefit from my effort.

But I do not respond well to chiding and criticism, and I really am unconcerned about what people think of me. (You, who also knows who you are): when you say you are doubting that I am the leader you thought I'd be, you should more honestly be saying that you doubt that I will perform as the leader you want me to be instead of whatever type of leader I may be. I suggest you open your mind to surprise.

So let's keep it respectful, and I'll play. Thanks!



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   This website (blog) is an official News Outlet of the State of Æscir, by and through its agent and representative, ASC Missions Group, ntc, Speaker Allen Hacker, Trustee.
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Truth via Paris

the belligerent claimant in person
Allen Hacker
animated in the cause of freedom